June 24, 2022

“So we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?’” – Hebrews 13:6

Do you fear people? That may sound like a silly question. So let me rephrase it: do you fear the judgment of people? So many people live their lives held hostage because of the judgment of others.  

We will do things we don’t even want to do to impress people we don’t even talk to or share a close relationship with. Judgment and the fear of what other people might think can handicap us all at some point or another.  

Daniel 5 shows us what life can look like when we do not fear the judgment of others. After Daniel comes at the king’s request and interprets the writing on the wall, the king offers Daniel status, wealth, and a promotion…which Daniel declines. This was looked at as insulting to the king. Those who had come before Daniel were killed after the king disproved of them.

But Daniel not only came to interpret what others had failed to do, but after doing so, he rejected the king’s gifts. Daniel was not afraid of people, not even the king. Daniel only feared the Lord and His judgment.

Wouldn’t you hate to look back one day and think of what your life could have been had you followed God instead of the approval of others? Sometimes following God takes real courage. And God might even require you to do something that others will judge. They might think you are crazy, or that you could never accomplish what you are setting out to do.

But God never asked you to appease them. He never said they would all cheer for you. Your job is not to fear people. It is to fear Him. This is a healthy fear. God doesn’t want you to literally be scared of Him. What He wants is for you to understand the importance and urgency of His plan for you. Do not let the fear of people and their judgment stand in the way of God’s destiny for your life.

What He has for you is so much bigger than the box others want to put you in. So break out of that box, and you will be amazed to see where the Lord leads you!

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