December 15, 2022
“But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” – John 4:14
I want you to know today that Jesus is your source of healing. We tend to forget that sometimes. For many of us, when we have a great need in our lives, and as we try to get that need met, we tend to find ourselves looking in every single direction except UP…especially when we need to be healed. We think this can heal us or that can heal us or this will make us better…but we can’t seem to find the solution.
And we’re not the first generation to have that mindset. The same was true 2,000 years ago. In John 5, the sick, the lame, and the paralyzed would wait by the pool of Bethesda, and people would bring them there and place them by the water day after day. Do you know why? Because they believed that this pool could heal them.
Can you imagine this scene with many disabled people placed around the pool? Can you imagine what it was like when the water would stir? There would be people rolling in, jumping in, people doing bellyflops and cannonballs out of desperation. They would literally do whatever they could to be the first one in the water.
The man specifically mentioned in John chapter 5 had been looking to be healed for 38 years. Now, we don’t know how long he had been coming to the pool, but what we do know is that he was desperate for a miracle. And he thought the pool was the source of that miracle.
That was his mindset when Jesus arrived on the scene. He’s looking at the water, thinking “the water can heal me.” But what he didn’t realize was he had “living water” standing next to him.
How often do we do this? We look for healing everywhere we can except for the One True Source. God is a source of healing. When you are in need, He is the one you can turn to. Stop turning to artificial forms just to “numb the pain.” If you want true healing, Jesus is the only answer.
“But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” – John 4:14
I want you to know today that Jesus is your source of healing. We tend to forget that sometimes. For many of us, when we have a great need in our lives, and as we try to get that need met, we tend to find ourselves looking in every single direction except UP…especially when we need to be healed. We think this can heal us or that can heal us or this will make us better…but we can’t seem to find the solution.
And we’re not the first generation to have that mindset. The same was true 2,000 years ago. In John 5, the sick, the lame, and the paralyzed would wait by the pool of Bethesda, and people would bring them there and place them by the water day after day. Do you know why? Because they believed that this pool could heal them.
Can you imagine this scene with many disabled people placed around the pool? Can you imagine what it was like when the water would stir? There would be people rolling in, jumping in, people doing bellyflops and cannonballs out of desperation. They would literally do whatever they could to be the first one in the water.
The man specifically mentioned in John chapter 5 had been looking to be healed for 38 years. Now, we don’t know how long he had been coming to the pool, but what we do know is that he was desperate for a miracle. And he thought the pool was the source of that miracle.
That was his mindset when Jesus arrived on the scene. He’s looking at the water, thinking “the water can heal me.” But what he didn’t realize was he had “living water” standing next to him.
How often do we do this? We look for healing everywhere we can except for the One True Source. God is a source of healing. When you are in need, He is the one you can turn to. Stop turning to artificial forms just to “numb the pain.” If you want true healing, Jesus is the only answer.
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