April 20, 2023

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” – Jeremiah 1:5

If you are struggling with your identity and who you are, I want to share something with you. You are NOT who you think you are. You are NOT your talent, gifts, and abilities. You are NOT what they say about you. And you are NOT THEM!
Over the last couple of days, we have shed light on things that people wrap their identity around that just aren’t true. Today, we come to a third. I want you to know that no matter who tries to tell you otherwise, you are not THEM.

You are not the people you hang out with. You are not the people you have been grouped with. You are not the people who have walked a similar road, and you are not the people who have come from the same town.
God has made you different. God has made you 1 of 1. Jeremiah 1:5 says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

As you go through life, people will try to tell you who you are. They won’t just talk about your abilities, but they will try and group you with others. They might try to compare you to someone who has done what you have done and failed, or someone who tried something you are trying to do.
Don’t listen to them because you are NOT them. God didn’t make you version 2.0 of someone else. He made you the one and only YOU. Do you want to know who you are? You are HIS.

And He has set you apart. What He has planned for you, only you can do. Shout and rejoice today knowing that no one else can take away God’s plan for you. No one can take your identity because you are His and what He has for you is greater than you (or they) could possibly imagine!

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