Are We Truly Alive?

“And to the angel of the church in Sardis write: ‘The words of him who has the seven spirits of God and the seven stars. I know your works. You have the reputation of being alive, but you are dead.’” - Revelation 3:1 
Are you alive today? Truly alive?

Over the last few days, we have looked at Jesus’ letter to Sardis, in which He acknowledges their reputation. On the surface, this church seemed vibrant and active, bustling with activities that gave the impression of life. But Jesus’ words cut to the heart: “You have a reputation for being alive, but you are dead.” Their reality conflicted with their reputation.
It’s like the movie “Weekend at Bernie’s”, where two guys keep a dead man, Bernie, appearing alive to keep their party going. Jesus tells Sardis, "You look alive, but you’re dead." The church had a lot of activity, but it was devoid of true spiritual life. When Jesus, the Great Physician, checked their pulse, He found no heartbeat.

Imagine Jesus writing a letter to you. Would He commend your genuine faith, or would He point out the superficiality in your spiritual life? It’s easy to appear vibrant and busy, but what truly matters is the state of our hearts. Are we operating in the Spirit or merely going through the motions?
Jesus saw the church in Sardis for what it was: busy but spiritually dead. They preached, but lives weren’t transformed. They worked hard, but their efforts were in the flesh, not in the Spirit. Their reputation of being alive was a facade.

This challenges us to look within. Do we have the appearance of life without the substance? Are we involved in church activities yet lacking a genuine connection with Jesus? He sees beyond our outward actions to the true condition of our hearts.
Ask yourself, “Am I truly alive in Christ, or am I just maintaining appearances?” Jesus calls us to wake up and rekindle our spiritual vitality. Let’s not settle for a reputation of being alive—let’s be truly alive in Him, experiencing the fullness of His Spirit and seeing real transformation in our lives and our church.

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