Don't Let the Moon Block the Son

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” - John 1:5  

A while back, I, like many of you, stood outside in my backyard, looking up at the sky, hoping to catch a glimpse of the total eclipse. While Cleveland, Tennessee, didn’t get the chance to see the full eclipse, other parts of the world did. Apparently, it's a big deal because the path of totality only passes over a specific location on Earth about once every 375 years. That’s pretty remarkable.
What fascinates me about eclipses is how something so small can block something so enormous. The moon is tiny in comparison to the sun. The moon is roughly 1,000 miles wide, the earth is 7,926 miles wide, and the sun is a staggering 865,000 miles wide. Despite its small size, the moon can pass between the Earth and the sun, casting a shadow that turns day into night.

As I stood there thinking about this, I couldn’t help but think of the connection between the sun and the Son of God. The sun is a symbol of God's power and brilliance. Just as the sun is placed in the sky for everyone to see and experience, God sent His Son, Jesus, for everyone to see, experience, and know. Jesus came to reveal the greatness, goodness, and majesty of God to us.
But here's the problem: the devil, like a small moon, continually tries to block our view of Jesus. From the very beginning of time, Satan has been using obstacles—whether distractions, temptations, or doubts—to prevent us from fully seeing and experiencing the light of God. Even today, he places all kinds of "moons" in our lives to distract us from focusing on the Son.

The devil doesn’t want you to pray, to worship, or to grow closer to God. He wants to create darkness in your life so that you don’t see the light of Christ clearly. But the truth is, the light of Jesus cannot be overcome by darkness.
Today, think about the "moons" that may be blocking your view of Jesus. Is it busyness, stress, or something that draws your attention away from Him? Don’t let those distractions stop you from experiencing the fullness of God’s light. Jesus came to shine brightly in your life, and His light will always overcome the darkness. Are you ready to turn your focus back to Him and let His light guide you?

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