Who Am I? - I Am a Saint

Jan 8, 2023    Jordan Easley

Isn’t it cool that God calls everyone who repents and follows Jesus a saint? If you are in Christ, you are a saint. It’s as simple and straightforward as that. But while that’s clearly stated in Scripture, what we need to make sure we understand is that when Paul used the word “saint” to describe us, it wasn’t to put a spotlight on what we do. It was intended to put a spotlight on who we are. In other words, sainthood isn’t achieved, it’s received. And it’s only received through the person of Jesus Christ. If you are saved, Jesus calls you a saint. That’s who you are. It’s your identity in Christ. When Paul used that word to define the Ephesian believers, he used it to show that they were “set apart” for God’s use. That’s what the word “Saint” means. In this message, we are going to look at what it means specifically to be a saint and how this part of our identity informs how we live our lives.