The Sacrifice Of Fools

May 26, 2024    Jordan Easley

God granted Solomon a supernatural dose of wisdom, and through that gift, he was able to understand that “there is nothing new under the sun.” And there is nothing on earth that can truly satisfy the soul. That includes religion, by the way. There was a point in Solomon’s journey where He pursued religion, and in the same way, Solomon realized that religion in and of itself does not satisfy. Now, you might be thinking I’m not allowed to say that because I’m a pastor. But I can absolutely make that statement! And the reason I can is because what we do, what we focus on, who we are, and what we say isn’t that a religion will change your life. No, our message has always been that a relationship with Jesus will change your life. But if you’re more focused on your religion than your relationship with Jesus, your worship will be a waste of time just like Solomon describes in today’s key passage.