
Nov 5, 2023    Jordan Easley

If we fail to use the tools God’s given us (the fruit of the Spirit... love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control), then we become blinded to our purpose and our potential as believers. If we live without utilizing God’s power and God’s fruit, we are basically living like unbelievers—people who are “short-sighted,” which means “to be preoccupied with the short-term” and not living with an eternal perspective. Living a fruitful life happens when we supplement our faith with God’s gifts, and one of those gifts is self-control. We are able to exercise this gift because of the Holy Spirit living within us. Today, we’re going to look at how our lives are affected and how our lives can change for the better when we live out the fruit of self-control.