The House of Caiaphas - Jesus in the Pit

Sep 10, 2023    Jordan Easley

In part five of our Holy Land Highlights series, we are going to discuss Caiaphas’s house. This was a place of major significance in the story of Jesus’ life and death. It is where Jesus was taken for the last night of His life before the crucifixion. So, what can we know about what happened from that Thursday night to Friday morning? Well, there’s no biblical account that explains in detail what Jesus experienced that night, but we do know from history that there’s a good possibility He was beaten in that dungeon and most likely spent His final night alone in that dark pit of condemnation, located in the deepest, darkest part of Caiaphas’s house. So in this message, we’re going to take a look at more details about this place of torture and better understand why it’s so significant in Jesus’ story.