“For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” – 1 Corinthians 13:12
Ever feel like you’re driving through life in thick fog, unable to see the road ahead? We’re all wrestling with the “whys” of life, and it’s like trying to navigate through a foggy morning. But here’s the kicker—there’s hope in the haze.
The apostle Paul hit the nail on the head in 1 Corinthians 13:12. He’s talking about our perspective, our view of the world. Picture this: today, you’re squinting, trying to see clearly, to understand the big picture, but it’s like you’re stuck in a foggy mess.
Now, Paul doesn’t leave us stranded in the mist. He tells us that, yeah, today is foggy, and you can’t see anything clearly. But hold on, there’s a promise – a day is coming when your questions will be answered. A day when you’ll see clearly why things happened the way they did. But for now, keep moving forward by faith, and learn how to navigate the fog.
Remember that foggy morning I had on Georgetown Road? I could barely see the road due to construction, and I was inching forward to avoid smacking into concrete barriers. Then, a hero in a big redneck truck with a gazillion lights pulled up in front of me at a red light.
Have you seen these trucks? Fog lights, rope lights, light bars, glow sticks – this guy was ready for anything. In that moment, it hit me. I don’t need all of that to move forward. I don’t need every light on my car right now. All I really need is to see his taillights. He can see better than I can, and as long as I can follow his taillights, I’ll move in the right direction.
Here’s the kicker: God gives us taillights to follow in the fog of our “whys.” One day, we’ll clearly see the answers. But until then, let’s grab onto a few truths from His word that can help us move forward through the fog. Trust those taillights, my friend. We’re headed in the right direction.
Stay foggy but keep following those taillights.
Ever feel like you’re driving through life in thick fog, unable to see the road ahead? We’re all wrestling with the “whys” of life, and it’s like trying to navigate through a foggy morning. But here’s the kicker—there’s hope in the haze.
The apostle Paul hit the nail on the head in 1 Corinthians 13:12. He’s talking about our perspective, our view of the world. Picture this: today, you’re squinting, trying to see clearly, to understand the big picture, but it’s like you’re stuck in a foggy mess.
Now, Paul doesn’t leave us stranded in the mist. He tells us that, yeah, today is foggy, and you can’t see anything clearly. But hold on, there’s a promise – a day is coming when your questions will be answered. A day when you’ll see clearly why things happened the way they did. But for now, keep moving forward by faith, and learn how to navigate the fog.
Remember that foggy morning I had on Georgetown Road? I could barely see the road due to construction, and I was inching forward to avoid smacking into concrete barriers. Then, a hero in a big redneck truck with a gazillion lights pulled up in front of me at a red light.
Have you seen these trucks? Fog lights, rope lights, light bars, glow sticks – this guy was ready for anything. In that moment, it hit me. I don’t need all of that to move forward. I don’t need every light on my car right now. All I really need is to see his taillights. He can see better than I can, and as long as I can follow his taillights, I’ll move in the right direction.
Here’s the kicker: God gives us taillights to follow in the fog of our “whys.” One day, we’ll clearly see the answers. But until then, let’s grab onto a few truths from His word that can help us move forward through the fog. Trust those taillights, my friend. We’re headed in the right direction.
Stay foggy but keep following those taillights.
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