July 25, 2022

“Anyone who wants to serve me must follow me, because my servants must be where I am. And the Father will honor anyone who serves me.” – John 12:26

After reading these devotions over the last week, I want to ask you, “Can you honestly say that you are a disciple of Jesus Christ?” I want to challenge you to consider what we have spent the last week discussing.

Has Jesus come to you in your life? Have you heard the Gospel and been given the opportunity to trust Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior?

Have you left your nets and followed Jesus? Have you turned your back to what you know and what you are comfortable with in order to follow Jesus by faith? Have you fully surrendered to Jesus? Trusted Jesus with your entire life?

And if you are following Jesus, can you honestly say that you are fishing for people today? Are you waking up in the morning with the heart of God, seeing this lost world like He sees this lost world, knowing that He has you here to point other people to Jesus?  

Are you allowing Jesus to work through you, to make disciples and build His Kingdom? Have you truly made your entire self available to Him for His purposes and to build His church? Have you made your energy available to Him…your time, your calendar, your money, your resources, your life?  

If the answer isn’t “YES” to all of these, you are not alone. Every believer has room to grow. But this is definitely a good starting point. At what point could you not answer yes? What question convicts you the most? If you are a believer, these questions should challenge you to see where there is room for improvement. If you want to fulfill your purpose for Christ, then you should be seeking to become a disciple for Him.

The questions above will get you on the right track! What can you do to become a better disciple for Christ today?

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