October 6, 2022

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” – 1 Peter 4:10

God has given each one of us gifts and abilities. No matter who you are, where you come from, or what your background is, you have a unique set of gifts and abilities that God has created you with. He created you with these gifts so that as you come to know Him, you will pursue His purpose for your life and ultimately bring glory to His name.
That is the purpose-filled life God has made us for — to be like Him, to bring attention to His name, and to serve Him in all that we do. When you use your gifts, you will gain a platform. We discussed this yesterday. As your platform increases, others will begin paying attention to you and what you do.

When this happens, you gain an amazing opportunity to share the love of Christ. When you are open and transparent about what Jesus has done for you and how He is the reason for your successes, you turn the spotlight from yourself to Him. And that is the way He intended for it to be!
It is amazing that God gives us gifts and abilities, but do not get it twisted. Those gifts are not to be perverted for your own gain. God does not bless you with these talents so that you gain attention, recognition, and praise. If that is all you use it for, you will come up short.  
To put it bluntly, you will come up short of living the purpose you were created for, and you will be left feeling unfulfilled and empty. Yes, God designed you for is to use your gifts, but to use them for HIS GLORY.

The blessings you will receive in heaven for remaining humble and giving Him the glory far outweigh any earthly praise you could receive. Live your purpose. Use your platform. Display your gifts. But make sure you always point to God’s glory.

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