October 21, 2022

“This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9

If you have followed along with us the last few days, we have been talking about Daniel. Daniel is documented because he lived a courageous life. You say, “Pastor, you keep referencing Daniel’s courage, but how was he courageous? What did he do?”
Over the next few days, we are not only going to talk about WHAT Daniel did but HOW he was able to be so courageous. Daniel was an overcomer. His ability to overcome FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), overcome the fear of other people, and overcome the fear of radical obedience made him who he was.

These are three things we are going to go into greater depth about over the next few days. But before we do that, I want you to understand something: if you are going to be courageous, it is going to require overcoming fear.

If you google the meaning of “courage,” the definition it will give you says this: “the ability to do something that frightens you.” Courage is not easy. If it were, everyone would be courageous. If it were easy, we wouldn’t have documents of the amazing acts of courageous Old Testament characters like Daniel displayed.

The fact is that everyone is fearful of something. We all have fears. But the only way to be courageous is to overcome those fears. If you want to live the life God has destined for you, it is going to require courage.
Did you know that God actually commands us to have courage? Joshua 1:9 says, “This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

If you want to make a difference for Christ the way Daniel made a difference, it starts with overcoming fear with courage. What are you fearful of? Watch how God will give you opportunities to overcome that fear. Are you ready? It’s time to be an overcomer!

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