September 7, 2022

“Jesus replied, ‘What is impossible with man is possible with God.”” – Luke 18:27

Did you know God can do the impossible? As we continue to look at the story in Mark 2, we do not want to miss something very important. By now, we know that four men served their friend by carrying him on a stretcher and bringing him in front of Jesus to be healed.

These men brought their friend into a crowded home. The home was so crowded that they were not even able to get him inside. So instead, they made a hole in the roof and lowered him down to Jesus from there. You could definitely say these men were willing to go to drastic measures to get their friend in front of Jesus.

It is easy to focus on how great of friends these guys are, but seriously, why would they go as far as putting a hole in the roof, making a mess, and interrupting Jesus to show Him their friend?
I think it was because they knew what Jesus was capable of. And though nothing else or no one else could help their paralyzed friend, they knew Jesus could, because Jesus can do THE IMPOSSIBLE.  

Luke 18 reminds us of this. Jesus was asked the question, “Who then can be saved?” to which “Jesus replied, ‘What is impossible with man is possible with God.’”  
My friend, what is impossible for you, what is impossible for doctors, what is impossible for psychiatrists, what is impossible for therapists, and what is impossible for world leaders is possible with God.

I don’t know what you are going through, but I know the One who does. And the best part is not that He knows what you are going through, but He has the limitless power to completely turn your situation, circumstances, relationship, addiction, and financial state around.

His power knows no limits. With the Lord, NOTHING is impossible. What we think is impossible is what He masters in doing. What are you worried about? What do you need help with? Turn to the One who is known to do the impossible.

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