November 7, 2022

“Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.” – Proverbs 3:6 
Over the last couple of days, we have talked about legacy, but not the legacy you typically think about. Normally, when we begin thinking about legacy, we think in terms of possessions and stuff. We think, “when I’m gone, I’m going to leave this for him and this for her… and we think about how we’re going to divide our possessions and where we’re going to leave our things.”

But when you think about it, it is not the inheritance and possessions that you leave behind that count the most. Those things won’t last forever. The thing you leave your family that will last forever is faith.

Over the next few days, we are going to look at a man named Joshua. He was a man that lived by faith and walked by faith, and because he did, we are still talking about him today. Joshua wasn’t thinking about his legacy when he was living it, but he WAS committed to fulfilling his destiny. And what we are going to see today is that he accomplished that by walking by faith and obeying the Lord.
For Joshua, it wasn’t about thinking of what legacy he would leave behind him. He wasn’t thinking about how the Bible would record his story or the fact that it would be told all over the world for generations and generations to hear. He was simply obeying God and fulfilling the destiny God created him for.

Sometimes, we can overcomplicate things. We think about all the things we want to do in our lives: the impact we want to have, the experiences we want to have, the people we want to meet. When in reality, if we would just focus on God’s will, He would take care of everything else.
Joshua knew how to keep the main thing…the main thing. And as a result, we still remember him today. If you want to live a life of impact, one that is talked about after you leave earth, keep the main thing, the main thing: walk by faith and obey God! 

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