March 24, 2023

“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” – Ecclesiastes 3:1

More than likely, you have heard the name, Steve Jobs. Jobs was the co-founder of Apple computer. He started the company in the late ‘70s along with a partner, and he knew very quickly that he had a difficult task ahead of him.
In those early days, Jobs knew he had created a great computer, but he also understood that he was competing with IBM, the king of the industry at the time.

Jobs knew he needed help, and there was one particular person he knew could help his company get off the ground. This guy’s name was John Sculley. John was the President and CEO of Pepsi-Cola at the time. He was the youngest guy to ever become President in the history of Pepsi. In fact, he was 38 years old when he assumed the position.
John Sculley was the guy who took Pepsi to the top and even overthrew Coke for a season. Because of this, Steve Jobs said, “That’s the guy we need to help us at Apple Computer.”

So, he began to talk to Sculley. He wined him, he dined him, and he promised him the moon. Steve Jobs actually promised him money that he didn’t have at the time. But Sculley said, “No I don’t want to do that. I already have a good gig at Pepsi, and I don’t want to come.”

But then in a last-ditch effort, Steve Jobs asked John Sculley this question: He said, “John, do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water, or do you want a chance to change the world?” That question resonated in the heart of John Sculley, and it wasn’t long after that that he resigned from his position at Pepsi for his shot at changing the world.

For Sculley, he had to make a DECISION, and he had to CHANGE DIRECTION. Whether it is to this magnitude or not, every one of us will come to a point where we have to decide, do we want to live the life God created for us or do we want to live a lesser version?

You can continue to live to less than your full potential. Or you can make a decision to change direction and see where God will lead you. I promise you it will be greater than anything you will ever achieve on your own!

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