
Nov 6, 2022    Jordan Easley

As we wrap up this series on characters of the Old Testament, we are going to look at a man named Joshua. He was a man that lived by faith and walked by faith, and because he did, we are still talking about him today. Joshua wasn’t thinking about his legacy when he was living it—but he WAS committed to fulfilling his destiny. And what we are going to see is that he accomplished that by walking by faith and obeying the Lord. For Joshua, it wasn’t about thinking of what legacy he would leave behind him. He wasn’t thinking about how the Bible would record his story and it would be told all over the world for generations and generations to hear. He was simply obeying God and fulfilling the destiny God created him for. Let’s look at three ways he obeyed God so that we can apply the same principles to our own lives and leave a godly legacy for those behind us.