
Oct 16, 2022    Jordan Easley

As we begin this new series on characters of the Old Testament, we are going to start with Daniel. Daniel’s name literally meant, “God is my judge.” But his name was much more than a name...it was a way of life. He lived for God. Specifically, he lived courageously for God. Everyone who acts courageously does so for a very good reason. They aren’t just displaying an incredible amount of courage for kicks and giggles. They have a purpose for the act. As children of God, and as followers of Christ, that is how we all should view not only our courageous actions but all of our actions. We should choose to live like Daniel, remembering that God is our judge. The way Daniel lived his life demonstrated that God was the only person he needed to worry about. When you focus on obedience to God, rather than the opinions of others, God will do amazing things in your life. But it starts with remembering who the ultimate judge is. Let’s take a look now at how, specifically, Daniel lived a courageous life.