A Story Of God's Unwavering Faithfulness

May 5, 2024    Jordan Easley

Today, as we open God’s word to the book of Job, I want us to see from his life and his story: How to trust God when you don’t understand Him. Have you ever been at a place in your life where you just didn’t understand God? I’m talking about a place where you believe in God, but you just don’t understand Him. You don’t understand his decisions. You don’t understand how He could allow this or that. You don’t get his plans or His purpose. Have you been there before? I think many of us have been there and we often stay there. We don’t understand the point of sickness and death. We can’t wrap our minds around God allowing poverty and starvation. We look around at suffering and pain and loss and most of us are left wondering, “WHY?” How are we supposed to trust God when we don’t understand God? We’re going to be addressing that question today while looking at the life of Job.