A Story Of Provision

Apr 28, 2024    Jordan Easley

Sometimes in a world like this… a world of abundance and resources… we tend to forget that God designed us to have a primary dependency on Him… and God’s people have forgotten that truth, time and time again. That’s why Elijah warned King Ahab (in verse 1) and said—There’s a famine coming to this land— a long and severe famine—and Israel will be punished for their sins. That’s what it says in 1 Kings 16:30, “But Ahab son of Omri did what was evil in the LORD’s sight more than all who were before him.” Ahab’s evil provoked God’s anger, and now, as a result, Ahab was about to experience God’s punishment for that sin. Fruitful land would become barren land, all because God’s people forgot the source of their blessings and turned to false gods instead of the One True God. There is a lot we can learn from this story about God’s provision. Specifically, There are two things in this story I want you to take note of today.