August 18, 2022

“I, the Sovereign Lord, will gather you back from the nations where you have been scattered, and I will give you the land of Israel once again.” – Ezekiel 11:17

As I noted yesterday, when I was 18 years old, my parents took me on a trip to Israel. That first trip to the Holy Land revolutionized my life and my walk with Jesus in a powerful way, and because of that, one of my favorite things to do now is to bring people back to the Holy Land with me so they too can experience what I experienced 24 years ago.
I wish every Christ follower could go just once. But I also understand the reality that most believers will never go. So, on my last tour, I had an idea pop into my mind. I thought, “If the majority of believers will never leave home and go to the Holy Land, then why don’t we just bring the Holy Land back home?

So, over the coming weeks, that is exactly what we are going to do. Now, obviously, you can’t get the full experience through these writings. But I hope these descriptions will give you some context as we read God’s Word on location in the places where they happened.  
In the coming weeks, we’ll be on location in places like the Sea of Galilee where the first disciples were called. Then we’ll head to the northern shore to the city of Capernaum, the hometown of Simon Peter. Afterward, we’ll head one hour north to Caesarea Philippi where Peter made an incredible statement about Jesus. Then it is off to Jerusalem, the Holy City of God.

I hope you will join us as we go on this incredible journey, and look at some of the most notable places in Scripture. When you see these places, you look at the Word in an entirely different light. And though we cannot all go visit them together, we will do our best to unpack them in a way that gives us that type of picture.
Follow along, as we embark on an incredible journey, and see the places and people of Scripture in a whole new way! And as you do, I would encourage you to ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes, open your mind, and open your heart to the Word of God in a new way. Ask Him to teach you things you’ve never learned before. Ask Him to give you a fresh perspective and a desire to learn and grow. And ask Him to help you dig deeper as you strive to further understand Scripture.  

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