June 26, 2022

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9

Every person who reads this has a “comfort zone.” The phrase, “comfort zone” has become well-known in our culture in recent days. If you’ve never heard that expression, the dictionary defines our comfort zone as, “the temperature range within which one is comfortable,” but we know that our comfort zone goes far beyond the temperature we desire.

Our comfort zone is like a bubble that defines how far we are willing to go and what chances we are willing to take. We can say we live with our YES on the table, but the border of that bubble oftentimes defines the place where our YES turns into a NO.  

Our comfort zone is defined by an invisible border in every single one of our lives. And as long as we stay inside that bubble, we feel safe. We feel finically stable, we feel in control, and we feel as though nothing bad is going to happen.  

There is nothing wrong with your comfort zone, but let me ask you a question. What happens when God calls you out of your comfort zone? How are you going to respond when God tells you to get outside the bubble and do something you really don’t want to do?  

The reality is that God will at times call us outside of our comfort zone. Why you ask? Because this is where we grow. Oftentimes, when we become comfortable and when we are unchallenged, we can become stagnant in our faith. God wants to challenge and push our faith and continue to mold us into the image of Jesus.  

This often comes in places outside our comfort zone. But you should not worry. Joshua 1:9 says, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”  

God may ask you to step outside of your comfort zone. But there is no reason to worry. Whether inside or outside your comfort zone, He promises to be with you wherever you go!

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