August 13, 2022

“Then Jesus went with them to the olive grove called Gethsemane, and he said, ‘Sit here while I go over there to pray.’” – Matthew 26:36

Yesterday, we looked at a time when Jesus broke bread with the disciples and told them what was coming. He predicted that they would desert Him (and they did). But long before they scattered, Jesus brought His disciples up on the Mount of Olives and told them to sit. Don’t miss that. As soon as they got to the garden, Jesus told them to sit.  

Why is that? Because Jesus arrived with a purpose. And that purpose was to pray. Matthew 26:36 says, “Then Jesus went with them to the olive grove called Gethsemane, and he said, ‘Sit here while I go over there to pray.’”
In this passage, Matthew referred to Gethsemane as a place that is described as an enclosed plot or “garden.” We know that this was a place where Jesus frequently visited according to John 18:1-2, “After saying these things, Jesus crossed the Kidron Valley with his disciples and entered a grove of olive trees. Judas, the betrayer, knew this place because Jesus had often gone there with His disciples.”
So, this garden was a place where they frequently visited, a peaceful place where they would get alone to talk and to pray, But this time, His arrival was different. This time Jesus was burdened and agonizing over what was about to happen. So, He told the disciples to sit while He went away to pray.

Isn’t it interesting that even Jesus had a spot He frequently visited to pray? Here, as He was agonizing over what was about to happen, burdened by what was coming, He returned to a familiar spot to pray.  

It is important as a believer that you have somewhere you can go by yourself to be alone with God. Whether it is to praise Him for something He has already done, seek Him about something currently happening, or you are bringing something to Him that you hope will happen one day, you should have a place of prayer!
Where is your place of prayer? It can be a closet, a bedroom, a patio, or maybe it is your car! Wherever it might be, find a place of prayer. Even Jesus had somewhere He would regularly go to speak to His Father! Let’s be intentional in following His example.  

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