October 16, 2022

“But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” – Romans 5:8

I don’t care who you are, where you come from, or what your back story is. ALL OF US have two things in common. One, we are ALL sinners. Every person that is alive on this earth right now is a sinner. Our parents are sinners. Our grandparents are sinners. Their grandparents are sinners.

We are all sinners. But we have one more thing in common: Jesus died for ALL OF US. It doesn’t matter what you have done, the decisions you’ve made, or even if you love Him back. Jesus loves you, and He went to the cross for you. He is the only person in the history of mankind who lived His full life and never sinned. He was tempted but never gave in.
He was blameless. And yet, He took on all that sin and died for us so that we could have access to the Father. We have discussed that at length throughout the last few weeks. But before we move on to another topic in the coming days, I want to bring one thing to your attention.

Yes, we should praise Jesus for what He did for us. But let’s not forget WHY He went to the cross. He had to die because of OUR SINS. It is our sin that separated us from God. Jesus was the only One, and the cross was the only way. Words cannot describe the love Jesus showed us through this act. And while it is great to praise Him, we should do more than just acknowledge Him through verbal praise!
I want to challenge you to live in a way that shows thanks for what Jesus did. Yes, He died for not only the sins you have already committed but the ones you will commit in the future. But that does not give you free rein to sin whenever you want. Jesus didn’t just say He loved you. He showed you His love by dying on the cross for you.

Now it’s your turn. No one is asking you to die. All I’m asking is that you show Jesus your thankfulness and your love for Him by being obedient. That is how you show Him you love Him, by obeying Him!

Tell Jesus you are thankful for what He did on the cross, but even more than that, show Him you are thankful by continuing to obey Him, day by day and week by week!  

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