September 22, 2022
“Anyone who believes in Him is not condemned, but anyone who does not believe is already condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the one and only Son of God.” – John 3:18
When you’re in the dark pit of condemnation, your mind naturally begins asking “what if…” questions. Now, Jesus in His divinity had a certain advantage with this, but most prisoners that find themselves in the pit have a mind that naturally thinks about the prospects of the future.
When you’re isolated and suffering, you would naturally wonder:
What if they leave me down here?
What if they let me starve to death?
What if they beat me more?
What if they execute me tomorrow?
If you are condemned and suffering, you are always going to be wondering. Did you know if you’re without Christ today, you’re living in your own pit of condemnation? Well, you are! You say, “Jordan, how can you say that?”
I can say that because Jesus says that in John 3:18. He said, “Anyone who believes in Him is not condemned, but anyone who does not believe is already condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the one and only Son of God.”
If you have never invited Jesus into your life to be your Savior and Lord, it’s not that ONE DAY you will be condemned (and forever separated from the presence of God); the Bible says if you don’t believe in Him, YOU ARE ALREADY CONDEMNED!
Once you’re not condemned, you’re forever not condemned! That may be bad grammar, but it’s great theology! It is also in the passive voice, which simply tells us that it’s something done TO us or FOR us. It is NOT something WE do. The bad news is that you’re born into condemnation. The good news is that you can be born again out of condemnation!
We hear a lot today about “cancel culture.” We need to hear more about “cancel condemnation.” That is what Jesus did on the cross. When Jesus went to the cross, He canceled condemnation! Condemnation doesn’t have to define you because Jesus came to refine you.
“Anyone who believes in Him is not condemned, but anyone who does not believe is already condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the one and only Son of God.” – John 3:18
When you’re in the dark pit of condemnation, your mind naturally begins asking “what if…” questions. Now, Jesus in His divinity had a certain advantage with this, but most prisoners that find themselves in the pit have a mind that naturally thinks about the prospects of the future.
When you’re isolated and suffering, you would naturally wonder:
What if they leave me down here?
What if they let me starve to death?
What if they beat me more?
What if they execute me tomorrow?
If you are condemned and suffering, you are always going to be wondering. Did you know if you’re without Christ today, you’re living in your own pit of condemnation? Well, you are! You say, “Jordan, how can you say that?”
I can say that because Jesus says that in John 3:18. He said, “Anyone who believes in Him is not condemned, but anyone who does not believe is already condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the one and only Son of God.”
If you have never invited Jesus into your life to be your Savior and Lord, it’s not that ONE DAY you will be condemned (and forever separated from the presence of God); the Bible says if you don’t believe in Him, YOU ARE ALREADY CONDEMNED!
Once you’re not condemned, you’re forever not condemned! That may be bad grammar, but it’s great theology! It is also in the passive voice, which simply tells us that it’s something done TO us or FOR us. It is NOT something WE do. The bad news is that you’re born into condemnation. The good news is that you can be born again out of condemnation!
We hear a lot today about “cancel culture.” We need to hear more about “cancel condemnation.” That is what Jesus did on the cross. When Jesus went to the cross, He canceled condemnation! Condemnation doesn’t have to define you because Jesus came to refine you.
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