What Will You Reap?

“His eyes were like a flame of fire... His feet were like fine brass...” - Revelation 1:14-15  
When we think of judgment, many of us imagine a cold, distant courtroom where a judge renders a decision based on evidence and facts. But the judgment that Christ will bring when He returns is different. It is personal, perfect, and absolute. In Revelation 1:13-18, we get a glimpse into Christ’s role as the ultimate judge, and it’s a picture that should make us pause and reflect.

John describes Jesus’ eyes as being like "a fiery flame," symbolizing His perfect knowledge. Nothing will escape His gaze, and He will see everything we have done—our actions, our motives, our decisions. No one will be able to hide from His judgment. He sees beyond the surface into the heart. We often try to justify ourselves, hiding our mistakes or pretending our intentions were pure when they weren't, but Jesus sees it all. He knows us fully, and when He judges, He will do so with complete righteousness.
As we read this, it's a powerful reminder for us today: the choices you make matter. You may have heard of the biblical principle of sowing and reaping—what you plant, you will eventually harvest. Jesus made it clear in Galatians 6:7-8 that "whatever one sows, that will he also reap." The actions and decisions you make today will have consequences tomorrow. It’s not just about the big moments of life but the small, daily choices that reflect your heart and your relationship with God.

At the final judgment, there will be no room for excuses. The life you've lived, how you've treated others, how you've responded to God's calling, how you've used your time, your resources, and your gifts will come under Christ's perfect judgment. Every decision, every word, every deed will be weighed.
This is why it’s crucial to live with eternity in mind. Christ will return to judge, but He also came to save. His righteousness is available to us today if we turn to Him in faith. Will you live in light of His coming, making decisions that honor Him and reflect His love and grace? Or will you sow selfishness and sin, only to reap regret when He returns?

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