December 2, 2022

“God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him.” – James 1:12

Have you ever wondered what it takes to create a diamond? I read an article once that said, “Diamonds are formed deep within the earth about 100 miles or so below the surface in the upper mantle.”

It went on to say, “Obviously in that part of the earth, the core is very hot. There is a lot of pressure, with the weight of the overlying rock bearing down.” The article concluded by saying the “combination of high temperature and high pressure is what is necessary to grow diamond crystals in the earth.”
Think about what that just said. Great pressure and high heat create beautiful things. That is true when you’re talking about the process of creating rare gemstones within the earth, but it’s also true regarding the process of creating faithful Christians on the earth.

Great pressure and difficult circumstances are two things that God uses to create the most beautiful and the most faithful followers of Jesus. God shows us in His Word how He develops characteristics in the fire and teaches us things in the flames that we will otherwise never know.

The Lord has been using great pressure and high heat in the lives of His people for a long time! I don’t know about you, but that’s a hard thing for me to understand sometimes. In my life, when the pressure increases and the heat starts to rise, my tendency is to curl up in a ball and ask “WHY?” But we’ve got to remember that God allows adversity for our good and for His glory.
He shows us in every season that He is faithful. When the pressure turns up, when the fire gets hot, it’s time to rise. Not on your own, but with your faithful God who is with you every step of the way. 

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