November 10, 2022

“And because of His glory and excellence, He has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share His divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires.” – 2 Peter 1:4 
There are a lot of passages in Scripture that talk about “waiting on God.” We can read verses about having faith, trusting that God will come through for us, and believing that He will do what He said He would do until we are blue in the face. There are so many verses encouraging us to “keep going” when we want to give up.

Believers everywhere talk about “waiting on God.” There are sermons about waiting, podcasts about waiting, blog posts about waiting, and devotions about waiting. But what about the opposite? What about when God is waiting on you? What about when God WANTS to bless you…are YOU READY?
For the last few days, we have been talking about Joshua. Yesterday, we learned that Joshua started out as a slave to the Egyptian pharaoh. But He wasn’t just a slave, he became a spy. You see, God had promised Abraham long ago that there would be a Promise Land. And now Moses was standing on the top of Mount Nebo, looking over the Land of Canaan, and he knew in his heart that this was it.

So what did he do? He sent Joshua and a handful of spies to scout the land. When Joshua came back, he brought back a report to the people of Israel, but they rejected Joshua’s (and Caleb’s) report. And guess what? Their disobedience and lack of faith led to 40 years of wandering the desert wilderness.
Many died because they did not trust Joshua’s report and never got to experience the Promise Land. We hear all the time “wait on God.” But what about when God is ready to bless you? The question is, ARE YOU READY? Are you wandering in the desert? Or are you ready to receive the blessing God has for you?

There are some people reading this today who have gotten too comfortable “waiting on God.” Today, God is asking you: are you ready? Because He is ready to bless you in a big, big way!

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