July 16, 2022

“So Boaz took Ruth and she became his wife. When he made love to her, the Lord enabled her to conceive, and she gave birth to a son.” – Ruth 4:13

God loves using unlikely people for eternal purposes.

I’ll be honest…it blows my mind when God uses me for something eternal. Have you ever thought about that? You lead someone to the Lord…you disciple someone…you serve on a mission trip…you make a difference through giving, teaching, sharing, going…it’s like WOW! God used ME?!?

God loves using unqualified people to accomplish supernatural things. He has been doing it since the very beginning of time. The disciples weren’t the most qualified, gifted, or talented people on the planet. They were available. They were teachable. And they were usable. They were willing to walk by faith and trust Jesus along the way. He used those men to change the world.

Ruth would have never been chosen first at recess. She was not the “Belle of the ball.” But God used her in ways that we are still seeing today. Ruth 4:13 says, “So Boaz took Ruth and she became his wife. When he made love to her, the Lord enabled her to conceive, and she gave birth to a son.”

This unlikely story ended up with Ruth giving birth to an unlikely son, Obed. And that boy just so happened to grow up to become the grandfather to a guy named King David. This means Ruth had a son, who had a son, who had a son… and eventually, that son had a son, and his name was Jesus!

Ruth, this unlikely character with this unlikely series of events throughout her story, just so happened to be within the lineage of Jesus. How amazing is that?  

Do you feel under-qualified to serve the great purpose God has designed for you? If so, that’s okay, because God loves to use unlikely people for eternal purposes. When you are obedient to God, you will be blown away to see how far He takes you and all that He has planned for you.

I dare you to find out what God has in store for your life!

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