September 24, 2022

“For whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and He knows everything.” 1 John 3:20

Have you ever questioned God? Have you ever just sat down and got real with your Heavenly Father? Some are too scared to talk to God in that way. Though they might have real questions and concerns, they can’t confront God. But the Lord wants you to come to Him with your worries and concerns.
While some are too scared to talk to confront God with their questions, others embrace the opportunity. They will yell at God and ask Him why He is doing what He is doing or why He allowed something to happen. Whether you express it to Him or not, at some point in your Christian life, you have likely questioned God. And if you haven’t yet, I’m sure one day you probably will.

We know that He “knows everything” as is stated in 1 John 3:20, but we still just can’t make sense of our current circumstances. Others might think we are crazy to question God, but if they were in our shoes, we swear they would be doing the same thing. You just can’t seem to understand why God would allow this to happen. Or why God would orchestrate it to happen.
I do not know what you are going through, I do not know all the details or the context of your situation, but I do know that God knows. And not only does He know the current state of your situation, He knows the future. He knows how it is all going to play out. God sees the whole picture.

That is why we can trust Him. Even though we might not like what He is doing in our current circumstances, we know that He works all things for good in our lives. That does not mean that all things are good, but He works them for good. That is why we can trust Him because He sees everything, and He knows how it will play out.
I know it might be difficult in the moment, but remember, you can’t see what is ahead; only God can. And He is doing what is in your best interest. He always has your best at heart. Trust Him, and thank Him for loving you so much that He will never give you less than His best! 

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