December 9, 2022
“But Job replied, ‘You talk like a foolish woman. Should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?’ So in all this, Job said nothing wrong.” – Job 2:10
Yesterday, we talked about who we are listening to. Specifically, I asked you, who has access to your life? Those you have access to you are the ones you often listen to. That is why it is important who we surround ourselves with and allow to influence our lives.
In Job’s case, it was his wife. In Job 2:9, she says, “Are you still trying to maintain your integrity? Curse God and die.” This was the whisper from the devil inserted into Job’s life. Now, Job can’t remove his wife from his life. But I want you to notice his response.
The very next verse, Job 2:10 says, “But Job replied, ‘You talk like a foolish woman. Should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?’ So in all this, Job said nothing wrong.”
What a great question! And it is one I want to ask you today. Are you only willing to accept the good from God? Do you thank God when He blesses you and curse Him when He allows trials and tribulations to come into your life? Job wisely knows that it is unrealistic to believe only good is going to come into our lives.
Being a Christian does not numb us to pain nor does it remove us from bad things happening. We are human beings, and we sin. And there are consequences for sin. But even when sin is not involved, sometimes God just allows us to be tested. He wants your faith to grow, or He wants to prepare you for the next season of your life.
In this life, it will not be “all good.” God works all things for good, but that does not mean all things are good. Being a faithful follower of God is not being thankful for the good and cursing God in the bad. When you are in the bad times, remember all God has blessed you with. Allow Him to lead you through the tough times, but never stop worshipping Him.
He is the same God through all of it. Will you be faithful regardless of whether it’s going good or bad?
“But Job replied, ‘You talk like a foolish woman. Should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?’ So in all this, Job said nothing wrong.” – Job 2:10
Yesterday, we talked about who we are listening to. Specifically, I asked you, who has access to your life? Those you have access to you are the ones you often listen to. That is why it is important who we surround ourselves with and allow to influence our lives.
In Job’s case, it was his wife. In Job 2:9, she says, “Are you still trying to maintain your integrity? Curse God and die.” This was the whisper from the devil inserted into Job’s life. Now, Job can’t remove his wife from his life. But I want you to notice his response.
The very next verse, Job 2:10 says, “But Job replied, ‘You talk like a foolish woman. Should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?’ So in all this, Job said nothing wrong.”
What a great question! And it is one I want to ask you today. Are you only willing to accept the good from God? Do you thank God when He blesses you and curse Him when He allows trials and tribulations to come into your life? Job wisely knows that it is unrealistic to believe only good is going to come into our lives.
Being a Christian does not numb us to pain nor does it remove us from bad things happening. We are human beings, and we sin. And there are consequences for sin. But even when sin is not involved, sometimes God just allows us to be tested. He wants your faith to grow, or He wants to prepare you for the next season of your life.
In this life, it will not be “all good.” God works all things for good, but that does not mean all things are good. Being a faithful follower of God is not being thankful for the good and cursing God in the bad. When you are in the bad times, remember all God has blessed you with. Allow Him to lead you through the tough times, but never stop worshipping Him.
He is the same God through all of it. Will you be faithful regardless of whether it’s going good or bad?
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