September 12, 2022

“Those who worship false gods turn their backs on all God’s mercies.” – Jonah 2:8

Yesterday, we talked about idols. The truth is, we can call them whatever we want to: passions, hobbies, things we enjoy. But if they are more important to us than God, they are an idol. So what kind of things classify as idols? Well, for starters what about your STUFF?
Is there something you own that you prioritize more than God? You might be quick to say “No, pastor, I love God more than my stuff. I am not materialistic.” But let me ask you this. How much time do you spend on your smartphone? How does that compare to the time you spend in God’s Word and in prayer?

Today, our smartphones have EVERYTHING we could ever need on them. They have the internet, apps that connect us to all of our family and friends, apps that keep us organized, games, photos, and so much more. We can do pretty much anything we want and it’s all controlled in the palm of our hands.

The smartphone was a great invention, and it most definitely has made life easier in many ways. But what it shouldn’t do is take the place of God. Now, I am not saying that in order to follow God you cannot have a smartphone. What I am saying is that smartphones, along with anything else you own — your house, your cars, your money — none of these things should outpace God.
Do you own something that you treasure more than God? Is there “stuff” in your life that on a priority scale ranks higher than the Lord? If so, I challenge you to re-assess your priority list. This does not mean you have to get rid of the stuff you treasure most (though in some instances it might). What it really means is that you need to remember what and specifically WHO is the most important thing in your life. 

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