January 15, 2023

“He is so rich in kindness and grace that He purchased our freedom with the blood of His Son and forgave our sins. He has showered His kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding.” – Ephesians 1:7-8

Over the past few days, we have talked about the spiritual blessings God has given us as children of God. Because of Him, we have a new identity. We no longer belong to ourselves, but rather our new identity is found in Christ.

But He didn’t stop there. He didn’t just bless us with a new identity. He has blessed us by setting us apart. He has blessed us by adopting us as His own. And He has also blessed us through REDEMPTION.

Ephesians 1:7-8 says, “He is so rich in kindness and grace that He purchased our freedom with the blood of His Son and forgave our sins. He has showered His kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding.”
The concept of being redeemed is an ancient word that refers to the act of buying something out-of-market. In this case, it gives us the picture of a slave market.  
Think about that for a second: Because of the sins in your life, you were once a prisoner, a slave with a debt so large, you were unable to be released from the bondage or to break free on your own accord.

But then, through His redemption, God has reversed the curse of your sin. He’s restored you, He’s forgiven you, and He’s set you free. That’s redemption. He adopted you with His own blood. He erased your sin debt, broke the chains that were preventing your freedom, and He called you His son or daughter.
1 Peter 1:18-19 says, “For you know that God paid a ransom to save you from the empty life you inherited from your ancestors. And it was not paid with mere gold or silver, which lose their value. It was the precious blood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God.”
As a child of God, you are blessed. You are blessed to be set free. You are blessed to be adopted into God’s family. And you are blessed to be REDEEMED! 

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