December 31, 2022

“Seek the Kingdom above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.” – Matthew 6:33

Over the last three days, we have talked about the cost of following Jesus. If you are going to live for Christ, you will be different than the rest of the world. In a world that chases after its own desires, you will be chasing after what God has for you.
The cost of that is great. It will cost you your time, your body, and your pride. But I am here to tell you now…IT’S ALL WORTH IT.

Matthew 6:33 says, “Seek the Kingdom above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.”
That’s right, even though it will cost you, God will provide you with everything you need. When you are obedient to Him, He assumes all responsibility for your needs. He will make sure you have everything you need along the way.

The reward for trusting God and obeying Him, despite what the world tells you, is blessings greater than you could possibly imagine. The reward for obedience to God goes so far beyond the temporary pleasures this world tirelessly tells us to chase.

And though you have to give up many of those “temporary pleasures,” there is an eternal reward God blesses you with for being obedient.

When you chase the ways of the world, the consequences always outweigh the temporary pleasures. But the same is true for obeying God. It will cost you, but the consequences (REWARD) far outweighs the cost.

Which will you choose? Are you on a hamster wheel constantly trying to have your physical needs met with quick, cheap pleasure? Or are you obediently pursuing God, giving up the quick and easy for the long-lasting, heavenly rewards?

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