March 27, 2023

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” – John 1:5

God tells us not to be conformed but to be transformed. Don’t conform to the darkness, but instead, light up the darkness! Allow Jesus to transform your heart. Why? So that you can live in the light.
God designed your life to be living in the light because it is the light that overcomes darkness. John 1:5 says, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

When you live your life in the light, the Bible says your life will look different than those living in darkness. When we live in the light, we are imitating Jesus and walking in love. When we live in the light, we walk away from darkness. When we live in the light, we walk toward Him and toward wisdom.
He didn’t call us to be like everyone else. He didn’t call us to live the same dark life so many people struggle with. He called us to be DIFFERENT. And trust me, living in the light is very different from living in darkness.

When you live in the light, others will take notice. They will say, “There is something different about him (or her). They aren’t like everyone else I know…” That is when you begin to gain a platform to speak to others about what makes you different.
This is all part of God’s plan! He wants you to make a difference. He wants you to be a part of changing the world and advancing His Kingdom. But in order to do that, we must live in the light. It is a conscious decision to walk away from the life we once knew and walk toward a loving God who has bigger and better things for you.

It’s time to live in the light!

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