April 12, 2023

“By faith Sarah herself received power to conceive, even when she was past the age, since she considered Him faithful who had promised.” – Hebrews 11:11

Why should you wait on the return of Jesus faithfully? Why should we trust and believe that God will do all that He promised? I mean, really, how can we know that He will keep His promise? Sure, the Bible says so, but how can we trust His Word?
We can trust God and have hope in His word because of what He has done, is doing, and will do. All you have to do is look BACK, look AROUND, and look FORWARD to see that God is faithful and that He will keep His promises.

The Bible is full of examples of times when His followers had to wait patiently on Him, and He delivered. He did exactly as He promised. Hebrews 11:11 says, “By faith Sarah herself received power to conceive, even when she was past the age, since she considered Him faithful who had promised.”
Sarah and Abraham had been praying to God for a baby for many years, long after conventional wisdom said you could have a baby. When most would have lost hope, they continued to trust and believe God would do as He promised, and He delivered.

If you ever wonder if God is faithful, look BACK. Look back to all the different occasions in the Bible in which God said He would do something, and He did exactly as He said He would do. God always delivers. You never have to question that.
Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” He never changes. What is He going to do for you? The same thing He has always done. Need to know what He has always done? Look BACK throughout Scripture to find out just how faithful He is! 

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