Prepare Your Heart

"Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. Go near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools, who do not know that they do wrong." - Ecclesiastes 5:1 
In our journey of faith, it's crucial to approach worship with intentionality and preparation. Solomon, in his wisdom, recognized the importance of guarding our steps when we enter the house of God. He observed how people, both then and now, often come to worship without preparing their hearts, leaving them unchanged and spiritually unfulfilled.

Imagine walking up the ancient steps leading to the temple in Jerusalem. Each step varies in height and width, intentionally designed to make worshippers mindful of their journey towards encountering God. Similarly, Solomon's admonition to "guard your steps" extends beyond physical movements—it encompasses the pattern of our lives and the condition of our hearts.
Preparing for worship involves more than showing up on Sunday mornings and going through the motions. It requires us to examine our hearts, attitudes, and motives before presenting ourselves before the Lord. Just as the uneven steps of the temple demanded careful consideration, so too must we approach worship with deliberate thought and reverence.

When we come to worship without preparing our hearts and lives, we offer "the sacrifice of fools." This sacrifice lacks sincerity and authenticity, failing to honor God as He deserves. However, when we approach worship with intentionality, ready to listen and engage with God personally and relationally, our worship becomes a pleasing offering to Him.
Preparing for worship involves cultivating a heart of humility, repentance, and expectancy. It's about aligning our desires with God's will and surrendering our lives completely to Him. As we guard our steps in worship, both in the sanctuary and in our daily lives, let us strive to live intentionally for God's glory.

Commit to preparing your heart and life for worship, offering yourself as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. Your worship should be genuine, heartfelt, and transformative as you seek to honor Him with every aspect of your being.

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