Counting the Cost

“Then Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.’” - Matthew 16:24 
In the journey of faith, the path of righteousness often demands significant sacrifice. Jim Elliott once said, "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose," and this quote encapsulates the essence of Ruth's story.

Ruth faced a pivotal moment when Naomi gave her the freedom to return to her family, her friends, and the familiarity of her old way of life. It was a moment of decision—a choice between comfort and conviction, between the path of least resistance and the path of righteousness.
For Ruth, doing what was right meant leaving behind everything she knew and embarking on a journey of uncertainty with Naomi. It meant forsaking the comfort of familiarity and embracing the discomfort of the unknown. It meant sacrificing her own desires and aspirations for the sake of honoring God and showing love to her mother-in-law.

Choosing to stay with Naomi was not an easy decision for Ruth. It required courage, faith, and a willingness to endure hardship. But Ruth understood that doing what was right often comes at a cost. She recognized that the blessings of obedience far outweighed the comforts of complacency.
In our own lives, we will encounter moments where doing what's right requires sacrifice. It may mean standing up for justice in the face of opposition, forgiving those who have wronged us, or making choices that go against the grain of societal norms. Whatever the case may be, the call to righteousness demands a willingness to lay down our own desires and preferences for the sake of God's kingdom.

As followers of Christ, we are called to take up our cross and follow Him, even if it means enduring hardship and sacrifice along the way. But let us remember that the rewards of obedience far exceed the costs. For when we align our lives with God's will and purpose, we experience His blessings and favor in ways we could never imagine. Be willing to sacrifice for righteousness, knowing that God's plans for us are always good and His faithfulness endures forever.

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