Approaching Worship with Intention

"Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. Go near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools, who do not know that they do wrong." - Ecclesiastes 5:1 
Have you ever entered into a place of worship without truly preparing your heart and mind for the encounter with God? Solomon's words in Ecclesiastes 5 resonate deeply, reminding us of the importance of approaching worship with intentionality and reverence.

Solomon urges us to "guard our steps when we go to the house of God." This isn't merely about physical steps but about the pattern of our lives—the decisions we make, the attitudes we hold, and the sincerity of our worship. It's about coming prepared to encounter God in a real and meaningful way.
I want you to understand the imagery of the ancient steps leading up to the Temple in Jerusalem. Each step was intentionally designed to be different, requiring careful attention from those who ascended them. Similarly, our approach to worship should be intentional and deliberate, not haphazard or thoughtless.

When we enter into God's presence, we shouldn't do so casually or without consideration. Rather, we should approach Him with reverence and awe, ready to engage with Him personally and relationally.
Worship isn't merely a ritual or routine; it's a sacred opportunity to encounter the living God. It takes more than prepared leaders; it requires a prepared group of people. That preparation begins long before we enter the doors of the church—it starts with the condition of our hearts throughout the week.

Before entering into a state of worship, prepare your heart, mind, and life to encounter God in a real and transformative way. Our worship should be genuine and pleasing to God, reflecting the sincerity of our devotion and the depth of our love for Him.

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