Keeping Promises

"Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires." - 2 Peter 1:4 
Promises are easily made, but they're not as easily kept. We make commitments with the best intentions, only to find ourselves falling short of our word. But there's something you need to know about our God today – He's a promise-keeping God.

In the Bible, there are said to be over 3,000 promises that God has given to us as believers. While we may not have counted them all ourselves, we know that God's promises are great and precious. And the most incredible thing about God's promises is that He always keeps them. He never makes a promise that He doesn't fulfill. That's the kind of God we serve – faithful and true to His word.
As believers, God expects us to reflect His faithfulness by being promise-keeping people. Solomon warns us against making the sacrifice of fools, reminding us not to delay in fulfilling the vows we make to God. When we make promises to God, whether it's to live a life of obedience, to serve Him wholeheartedly, or to follow His will, He expects us to honor those commitments.

I remember the vow I made to God when I first surrendered my life to Him. Like many of you, I promised to dedicate myself to His service and to follow Him faithfully. And yet, even now, I find myself making promises to God on a daily basis – promises to live according to His Word, to share His love with others, and to trust in His provision.
But here's the challenge: Have you ever made a promise to God that you didn't keep? Maybe you vowed to overcome a particular sin, to prioritize time in prayer and Scripture, or to be generous in your giving. Yet, despite your best intentions, you fell short of your commitment.

Today, let's take a moment to reflect on the promises we've made to God and ask ourselves if we've kept them. If we find that we've fallen short, let's not despair. Instead, let's repent and recommit ourselves to honoring our promises to God. For when we are faithful in keeping our vows to Him, we not only demonstrate our love and devotion to our faithful God, but we also experience the blessings that come from walking in obedience to His word.
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