“We love because he first loved us.” – 1 John 4:19

Your DECISION to love God has a transformative impact on your POSITION with Him. And that POSITION, in turn, changes your REFLECTION for God.
Every one of us is a reflection of what we love. God intentionally designed us with a mirrored soul so that our deepest affections would naturally radiate, visible for the world to see. Just as your love for sports or family is reflected in your daily life, God desires that your love for Him be similarly reflected to those around you.

Consider the analogy of the supermoon, a celestial body that, on its own, might seem insignificant. Yet, because of its position, it provides a reflection. Similarly, when God changes your position, He transforms your reflection. This change allows you to reflect the SON, the radiant love of God, to the world around you.
“We love because he first loved us,” declares 1 John 4:19. The love of God is meant to be the defining reflection of your life. As people encounter you, engage in conversation with you, or observe your actions, they should naturally witness the love of God being demonstrated through you.

Reflecting on the words of Jesus in John 13:35, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another,” emphasizes the impact of love as a distinctive mark of a follower of Christ. Loving God is not merely a feeling; it’s a decision that changes your position and, consequently, transforms your reflection.
Ask yourself today: When people see you, do they witness the love of God being demonstrated in and through you? Is your life a distinct reflection of His love, setting you apart in your interactions with others?

Loving God is a decision that changes your position, and as God changes your position, He naturally transforms your reflection. If you find areas where your reflection needs alignment, lean into the Lord. Has He changed your position? Have you made the decision to LOVE God with your ALL?

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