The Balance of Love and Justice

"And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire." - Revelation 20:15 
Consider the parallel between our lives and the ancient rebellion of Lucifer and the fallen angels. If one day we stand before God as guilty, with our life marked by unaddressed rebellion, our destiny aligns with those who rebelled against Him thousands of years ago.

However, the contrasting truth is equally profound. If we stand before God as innocent, our names inscribed in the Lamb's Book of Life, seen as righteous heirs of Christ, our destination is Heaven. This innocence, achievable only through the grace and mercy of God, becomes our reality when we accept His gift of salvation. Yet, the rejection of God's grace and mercy leaves us facing His justice.
In the earlier days of my ministry, I'd navigate questions about God's justice with politically correct answers, attempting to soften its impact. I'd say, "God doesn't actually send people to hell; He just allows them to go there." But the more I delve into the Scriptures, the clearer it becomes—our God, a God of love, grace, and mercy, is also a God of justice. As a Holy and Righteous Judge, He is unwaveringly committed to the execution of His justice.

Some may argue that a God of love shouldn't allow people to experience hell. Yet, the Bible asserts that, because God loves us, He grants us the choice to reciprocate that love. Acknowledging our sinful nature, the Scriptures present us with a critical choice: to repent, surrender to Jesus, and experience transformation, or to persist in our sin, rejecting the path that leads to life.
So, is it loving of God to allow the possibility of hell? Absolutely, because genuine love allows for choice. God extends His love by offering us the freedom to decide our response to sin. As we navigate our journey, let us grasp the delicate balance between God's love and justice. His love grants us the choice, while His justice stands as a reminder that our choices have consequences. May our lives reflect gratitude for His love and a commitment to walk in the paths of righteousness laid out by our gracious and just God.
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