Embracing God's Love

"For there is no favoritism with God." - Romans 2:11 
In our journey of faith, two unwavering truths define the character of our God: He is a LOVING God, and He is a JUST God. The richness of these attributes shapes our understanding of His divine nature.

Our God is a LOVING God. The foundation of our relationship with God rests on His love. It's a love so profound that He granted us the freedom to reciprocate that love. This freedom of choice is a testament to the depth of God's love for us. We are not mere recipients of affection; we are active participants in a relationship built on love.
Our God is a JUST God. Romans 2:11 declares that there is no favoritism with God. In His justice, God is impartial, consistent, and good. Psalm 89:14 underscores the foundational role of righteousness and justice in God's throne. Deuteronomy 32:4 paints a picture of our God as the Rock, whose work is perfect, whose ways are just, and whose character is righteous and true.

Despite the clarity of God's attributes, there's a common struggle among people when it comes to the concept of hell. Often, the resistance is not against God's love but against His justice.  

We tend to embrace justice when it aligns with our views, but we question it when it becomes personal. God's judgments may seem offensive when they challenge our preferences.
We may view ourselves as inherently good, categorizing certain individuals as deserving of hell while exempting others based on their perceived goodness. This notion challenges God's impartiality.

Eternity in hell can be a concept difficult to grasp, leading us to question if the punishment matches the crime. Our finite understanding sometimes struggles with the infinite consequences laid out by a just God.
Understanding these struggles helps us navigate the tension between God's love and justice. His love offers a choice, and His justice, though sometimes challenging, is rooted in righteousness. As we grapple with these truths, let us lean into the assurance that God's ways are perfect, His justice is true, and His love beckons us to a life that aligns with His purpose and grace.

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