Who Are You...Really?

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” – 1 Peter 2:9

In today’s world, the concept of identity is a hot topic. Everywhere you look, people are defining themselves in new and often confusing ways. They choose their pronouns and label themselves with characteristics far removed from the identities God intended for them.

Why is there so much confusion about who we really are?

From birth, we are given numerous identities by the people around us. As a child, I was simply Jordan, the little boy. As I grew older, I became Jordan, the student, and then Jordan, the athlete. My involvement in various activities started to shape my sense of self.

Throughout my life, my identity has evolved, influenced by personal experiences, opportunities, achievements, and relationships. I’ve been recognized for my strengths and weaknesses. My personality has been analyzed through different lenses, like personality profiles and enneagram numbers. I’ve been defined by my passions and my profession.

It’s easy to let these roles and labels become your identity. But there’s a danger in that. When you define yourself by what you do or how others perceive you, you’re building your identity on a shaky foundation. All it takes is a change in circumstances, and you can feel lost and uncertain about who you really are.

But God offers us a different identity—one that is stable and eternal. As 1 Peter 2:9 reminds us, we are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. We are God’s special possession. This identity doesn’t depend on our achievements or the opinions of others. It’s rooted in God’s unchanging love for us.

When you understand and accept your identity in Christ, it transforms how you see yourself and the world around you. You’re no longer striving to fit into societal molds or living up to others’ expectations. Instead, you’re living out of the truth that you are valued, loved, and called by God.

So, who are you…really? You are a beloved child of God, chosen and precious in His sight. Embrace this truth, and let it be the foundation of your identity. Let go of the labels and roles that the world imposes and find your true self in the One who created you and calls you His own.
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