You Are Worthy

"We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure." - Hebrews 6:19 
The devil loves to convince us that we are unworthy. He whispers lies in our ears, causing us to feel insecure in our relationship with the Lord. But Hebrews 6:19 assures us that when we are "in Christ," we are "firm and secure" in Him. When God says you’re something, it doesn’t matter if the devil says you’re something else.

When you become a new creation in Him, God has a lot to say about who you are. He gives you a new name and declares you are part of a royal priesthood, a people for His possession. He has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. Why? So that you may proclaim the praises of the One who saved you!
The enemy will try to undermine your sense of worth. He will remind you of your past mistakes, your weaknesses, and your failures. He will try to convince you that you are not good enough, that you do not deserve God’s love or grace. But these are all lies. The truth is, your worth is not based on your performance or your feelings. Your worth is based on who you are in Christ.

When you are in Christ, Jesus says, "You are mine!" He puts His stamp of approval on your life. He places a ring on your finger, symbolizing that you are part of His family. This divine approval is unshakable and not dependent on your feelings or circumstances.
Feeling unworthy can be a persistent struggle. It’s easy to look at our imperfections and shortcomings and conclude that we are not enough. However, God’s view of you is radically different. He sees you through the lens of Christ’s sacrifice, as someone who is cherished, valuable, and worthy of His love.

So, the next time you feel unworthy, remember who you are in Christ. Remind yourself that God has called you by name and claimed you as His own. You are firm and secure in His love, not because of anything you have done, but because of what Jesus has done for you.
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