Guarding Our Belief And Behavior

"But I have a few things against you: You have some there who hold to the teaching of Balaam." - Revelation 2:14 
In Revelation 2:14, Jesus addresses the church at Pergamum, critiquing them on two fronts: their belief and their behavior. Despite their commendable faith in the face of persecution, Jesus points out significant issues that need correction. This is important for us as believers, to understand.

The first critique is about their belief. Jesus says, “You have some there who hold to the teaching of Balaam.” Balaam, an Old Testament false prophet, is notorious for leading Israel into sin through false doctrine and encouraging sexual immorality.  

In Pergamum, there were individuals who, like Balaam, promoted teachings that were contrary to God’s Word. They claimed to belong to God and to speak for Him, yet they were holding onto beliefs that led others astray.
Jesus' critique reveals the seriousness of holding onto false teachings. It’s a reminder that God pays close attention to what’s happening in our hearts and minds. He is aware when we entertain beliefs and teachings that contradict His Word. Compromising on core doctrines can lead us away from the truth and into spiritual danger.

In our own lives, we must be vigilant about the beliefs we hold. Are we aligning our thoughts and doctrines with the truth of God’s Word? Are we discerning about the teachings we accept and promote? It’s easy to be swayed by popular opinions or charismatic leaders, but we must measure everything against the Bible.
The second critique concerns behavior. Jesus' mention of Balaam also addresses the resulting actions from false beliefs—encouraging sexual immorality and other sins. Beliefs inevitably influence behavior. When our doctrine is flawed, our actions follow suit. This is why it’s crucial to guard our hearts and minds with the truth.

Compromise can be subtle. It might start with accepting a small deviation from the truth, but it can lead to significant moral and spiritual decline. Jesus calls us to hold fast to His teachings without wavering. He wants us to be a people who not only believe rightly but also live rightly.
Are there areas where you might be compromising? Are there teachings or practices you’ve adopted that don’t align with Scripture? It’s essential to examine ourselves regularly, to ensure we are not straying from the path God has set for us!  
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