Are We Dying?

“But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first.” - Revelation 2:4-5a  
Have you ever considered what leads to the death of a church? It’s not always external factors like persecution or financial struggles. Often, the cause is much closer to home. The church in Sardis died because the people stopped caring. They became indifferent, hard-hearted, and spiritually dead. Sadly, this isn’t just ancient history—it’s a reality for many churches today. Over 80% of Southern Baptist Churches in America are either declining or slowly dying.
So, what are the symptoms of a dying church? Here are a few signs to watch for:

1. Looking Backward: A dying church spends more time looking in the rear-view mirror than through the windshield. Instead of focusing on the future, they are stuck in the past, longing for the “good old days.”
2. Resisting Change: They are determined to keep things the same. Traditions become more important than transformation, and comfort trumps growth.

3. Material Over Spiritual: There’s a greater concern for material growth—building expansions, budgets, and attendance numbers—than for spiritual growth and deepening faith.
4. People-Pleasing: Pleasing people takes precedence over pleasing God. Decisions are made based on what’s popular rather than what’s right and God-honoring.

5. Retention Over Outreach: They are more focused on keeping people than reaching new ones. The priority is maintaining the status quo instead of fulfilling the Great Commission.
6. Lack of Fruit: There’s little evidence of spiritual fruit, joy, love, or community impact. The church becomes a social club rather than a beacon of Christ’s love.

Now let me ask you this, if your church disappeared today, would your community even notice? For a dead church, the answer is likely no.  

It’s crucial to reflect on our own church and personal faith. Are we showing signs of spiritual decline? Jesus calls us to remember our first love and return to the passionate, vibrant faith we once had.  

Let’s not be a church that’s merely going through the motions. Let’s be a church alive with the Spirit, focused on spiritual growth, and committed to making a meaningful impact in our community. Repent and renew your commitment to Christ, ensuring that your faith and your church are truly alive and thriving.
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