Leading God's Way

"Whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all." – Mark 10:43-44

When you think of a leader, what comes to mind? Power? Authority? Someone who calls the shots and makes the rules? The world often defines leadership by status, control, and influence, but Jesus turns that idea upside down. In Mark 10, He makes it clear; true leadership isn’t about being served, but about serving.
Godly leadership isn’t about titles or positions. It’s about responsibility. It’s about being someone others can trust, someone who leads with integrity, humility, and wisdom. Jesus, the greatest leader of all time, didn’t sit on a throne barking orders. He washed feet. He healed the broken. He sacrificed everything for the people He led. That’s the model of leadership God calls you to follow.

One of the biggest lessons in leadership is that it’s not about you; it’s about those you’re leading. A godly leader isn’t concerned with building their own reputation but with lifting others up. Proverbs 11:14 says, “Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.” Leadership is about guiding, protecting, and making decisions that benefit those around you, not just yourself.
But perhaps the most important thing to remember about leadership is that you can’t do it alone. Godly leaders don’t rely on their own strength or wisdom, they rely on God. Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.” The best leaders are the ones who recognize they aren’t enough on their own. They seek God daily, they pray for wisdom, and they lead with a heart surrendered to Him.

Whether you’re leading in your family, your workplace, or your church, remember that great leadership isn’t about position; it’s about service. If you want to lead well, follow the example of Jesus. Put others first. Walk in integrity. And most importantly, rely on God to guide your steps.

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