on April 2nd, 2024
December 16, 2022“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed.” – Psalm 34:18Yesterday, we discussed the paralyzed man in John 5. In this story, a paralyzed man was looking to RESOURCES for healing when THE SOURCE was standing right next to him. And in that moment, Jesus came to him and met him at his greatest point of desperation. I love how Jesus shows up r...  Read More
on April 2nd, 2024
December 15, 2022“But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” – John 4:14I want you to know today that Jesus is your source of healing. We tend to forget that sometimes. For many of us, when we have a great need in our lives, and as we try to get that need met, we tend ...  Read More
on April 2nd, 2024
December 14, 2022“For the Word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.” – Hebrews 4:12Sometimes we forget that our Bibles are ALIVE. The Bible isn’t just a collection of 66 old books bound together and filled with great moral teachings and good advice. Th...  Read More
on April 2nd, 2024
December 13, 2022Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me, if you know so much.” – Job 38:4When Job didn’t understand what God was doing and why He was allowing things to unfold in Job’s life the way they did, he questioned God. But after all the finger-pointing and name-calling, after all the accusations, assumptions, and misrepresentations, God finally responded to Job. H...  Read More
on April 2nd, 2024
December 12, 2022Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me, if you know so much.” – Job 38:4Did you know God responds to your prayers? When you take on God, question Him, challenge Him, or need Him, God will answer you. It might or might not be when you want Him to respond. It might or might not be the way you want Him to respond. But He will respond. We see this play out wi...  Read More
on April 2nd, 2024
December 11, 2022“’My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,’ says the Lord. ‘And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.’” – Isaiah 55:8-9Do you have assumptions about what God should or shouldn’t do? Be careful, because assumptions do not lead to good ou...  Read More
on April 2nd, 2024
December 10, 2022“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” – John 10:10If you have read the story of Job before, you’ve probably noticed that Satan exits after chapter 2, but he doesn’t disappear. At this point, he realized Job was not budging. So the devil decided to change his strategy. The devil is always planning his next move…...  Read More
on April 2nd, 2024
December 9, 2022“But Job replied, ‘You talk like a foolish woman. Should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?’ So in all this, Job said nothing wrong.” – Job 2:10Yesterday, we talked about who we are listening to. Specifically, I asked you, who has access to your life? Those you have access to you are the ones you often listen to. That is why it is important who ...  Read More
on April 2nd, 2024
December 8, 2022“But Job replied, ‘You talk like a foolish woman. Should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?’ So in all this, Job said nothing wrong.” – Job 2:10As I reread the story of Job this week, there was one major takeaway that jumped off the page while reading Job 2:9-10. As I read those particular verses, I had this thought: be careful who you listen to...  Read More
on April 2nd, 2024
December 7, 2022“His wife said to him, ‘Are you still trying to maintain your integrity? Curse God and die.” – Job 2:9Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you have lost everything? Maybe your life was going great, and all of a sudden it just all started falling apart. If so, you can relate to Job. Job was a good guy who was in Satan’s crosshairs. God allowed Satan to test Job.  And so...  Read More
on April 2nd, 2024
December 6, 2022“Job stood up and tore his robe in grief. Then he shaved his head and fell to the ground to worship. He said, ‘I came naked from my mother’s womb, and I will be naked when I leave. The Lord gave me what I had, and the Lord has taken it away. Praise the name of the Lord!’ In all of this, Job did not sin by blaming God.” – Job 1:20-22Over the past few days, we’ve been talking about J...  Read More
on April 2nd, 2024
December 5, 2022“You have always put a wall of protection around him and his home and his property. You have made him prosper in everything he does. Look how rich he is! But reach out and take away everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your face!” – Job 1:10-11  Yesterday, we introduced a Biblical character who has an entire book of the Bible devoted to him: Job. Now, Job was a righte...  Read More


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