“Though I am the least deserving of all God’s people, He graciously gave me the privilege of telling the Gentiles about the endless treasures available to them in Christ.” – Ephesians 3:8

Are you frustrated with the race you are running? Has God led you down a path that you just wish was…well, different? As we continue to look at Paul, one thing we must understand is that he stayed in his God-given lane.
Sometimes when we don’t like the race we are running, we tend to veer into other lanes. When we see the hurdles coming, we start looking for the closest detour. But Paul didn’t do that. He kept moving forward, even when things got difficult. And I think his persistence had a lot to do with his eternal perspective.

We can face life’s hurdles with persistence if we have an eternal perspective. Paul saw himself as a ‘prisoner of Christ Jesus.’ He was a great leader, but he was also humble and didn’t feel entitled to something better than what he was experiencing. Not only that, but he viewed his difficult journey through the lens of God’s sovereignty and God’s grace.
This was especially true when the journey was tough. Ephesians 3:8 says, “Though I am the least deserving of all God’s people, He graciously gave me the privilege of telling the Gentiles about the endless treasures available to them in Christ.”

Paul’s life was hard. Paul had to face hurdles many of us could never imagine. But he didn’t step out of his lane. He faced everything God had for him head-on because he knew God had a purpose in it all.
And you know what? God has the same plan for you. Your life and your hurdles might look a little different than Paul’s. But His hope is the same – that you would stay in your lane, and face the hurdles in front of you because He has a greater purpose for your life.

God can do amazing things in and through you, but only if, like Paul, you stay in your lane!

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